Please note is not involved in providing any healthcare or medical advice or diagnosis and hence is not responsible for any interactions between User and the Practitioner. is just an aggregator connecting two parties through means of technology.
User understands and agrees that will not be liable for:
Please note that we do not endorse any of the Practitioner or any clinics mentioned on Platform. It does not make any representations or warranties concerning Practitioner, clinics or the quality of therapy or advise provided by them. We are not responsible for any content or advice or details in the profiles of the Practitioner.
- User interactions and associated issues User has with the Practitioner;
- The ability or intent of the Practitioner(s) or the lack of it, in fulfilling their obligations towards Users;
- Any wrong medication or quality of treatment being given by the Practitioner(s), or any medical negligence on part of the Practitioner(s);
- Inappropriate treatment, or similar difficulties or any type of inconvenience suffered by the User due to a failure on the part of the Practitioner to provide agreed Services;
- Any misconduct or inappropriate behaviour by the Practitioner or the Practitioner’s staff;
- Cancellation or no show by the Practitioner or r